Note: If you are having trouble completing online payment, please contact us at 833-943-4223 for assistance. If you are having trouble completing an appeal online, download and fill out the manual appeal form, then return the completed form within 30 days of the citation to Park Cedar Rapids, 349 4th Ave SE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52401. Appeal forms may also be emailed to
Rules and Regulations
- Do not back into the stalls. Backing into a space is prohibited in all parking facilities. Violators will be ticketed and the vehicle may be towed at owner’s expense.
- Parking is allowed only within the lines of stalls. Compact stalls are for compact cars only. Citations will be issued for improper parking; a $25.00 fine.
- Overnight parking is not allowed unless prior arrangement have been made with Park Cedar Rapids. Vehicles parking over 48 hours will be ticketed and/or towed.
- Unauthorized vehicle servicing and/or mechanical repairs are not permitted in the parking facility.

Waste Disposal and Environmental Charges
According to the policy of Cedar Rapids Parking Division, environmental and/or safety hazards must be promptly cleaned up or removed. Should a vehicle parked in a city owned facility, lot, or street spill, discharge, leak or abandon any substance, fluid, mechanical part, debris or waste to be determined as hazardous or potentially harmful to public safety in any form or fashion, Park Cedar Rapids must remove the substance or material in accordance with all city, state and federal guidelines.
It is also the policy of Park Cedar Rapids to recover any labor expenses or materials expenses incurred during the removal of such substances from the vehicle owner. The charged amount must be paid within 30 days of the receipt.
Vehicles found in violation of this policy will be notified requesting the immediate removal of the vehicle. It will then be the owner’s responsibility to remove the vehicle from the area or face possible fines or towing.
If the vehicle is not removed, Park Cedar Rapids will allow at its discretion up to five business days from the notice date for owner compliance. If no action is taken by the owner a tow order will be issued. The owner will then be responsible for all towing removal and cleanup fees associated.
Situations may arise where immediate removal of a vehicle is required. Should this situation arise, the Police Departments and/or Fire Departments will be notified, prior to the removal. Once notification has taken place, the vehicle will be subject to immediate towing to prevent any further public safety hazards and mitigate damage to public property. The vehicle’s owner will be responsible for all towing removal and cleanup fees associated with the given situation.