Monthly Parking
Whether you live or work downtown, monthly parking provides a quick and convenient way to park.

What You Need
- You will need to have a valid email address.
- Up to date information on your vehicle (Year, make, model, color, plate state, plate number).
- Call us at 319-365-7275 or email us at and we will send you an invitation and instructions.
Please bring completed paperwork to the Park Cedar Rapids office to finish setting up your parking permit. Other accepted forms of payment are cash, check, and credit/debit card (Visa, Mastercard, AmEx and Discover are all accepted).
ParkLync Sign-up
Below are screenshots for the individual parking account set up on the ParkLync site. Please read the instructions associated with each slide and once this process has been completed, an email will be sent to the registered address once the application is complete. A final email will be sent to the registered address once the account has been activated. Please only choose one form of payment to save in the ParkLync system.
1) Below is a screenshot of the invitation email you will receive. Click on the “Complete Your Parking Invitation” link to proceed.

2) This is the opening page when you click on the link mentioned above. Please fill out the information completely and click “Create Account”.

3) Next, click on “Add a Vehicle”.

4) Complete all information listed below for vehicle #1 and click “CONTINUE”.

5) Below is the screenshot that will appear once the first vehicle has been added. Complete step #4 again for each individual vehicle that could be used by the parker. A maximum of 4 vehicles may be listed. Once all vehicles have been listed, click on “CONTINUE”.

6) Next, check the box to agree to the Parking Terms & Conditions and click “CONTINUE”.

7) Next you will see a summary of the parking location and rate and you will select your payment method. Payments can be made through the ParkLync site by Credit/Debit card, or a direct ACH withdraw can be made from your checking or savings account.
**While it is not required to be on the autopayment option, it is highly recommended**

8a) Below is the example of the credit/debit card screen that will need to be filled out completely to be able to proceed to the next step. Once complete, click “SAVE”.

8b) Below is an example of the ACH screen that will need to be completed to set your account for ACH payments. Please fill this out completely and click “Save” to complete this section. **THIS OPTION MUST BE SELECTED TO RECEIVE THE ACH DISCOUNT**

9) The next page is the account summary page showing the total monthly payment due. Please check this page carefully for any mistakes and then click “CONTINUE”.

10) Congratulations!!!!! You have successfully completed the invitation to park with Park Cedar Rapids. An email will be sent once your account has been activated. Parking privileges will be active after the invitation has been accepted in the ParkLync system.
An email will be sent confirming activation!

Rules & Regulations
- Vehicle information on file with Park Cedar Rapids must be kept current at all times. Permit holders may be subject to citation(s) if vehicle information is found to be invalid.
- Park Cedar Rapids will request parkers who are habitually delinquent in payment of their monthly fee by an Automated Clearing House debit (ACH). Delinquent payment could also result in loss of parking privileges in all City facilities.
- Do not back into the stalls. Backing into a space is prohibited in all parking facilities. Violators will be ticketed and the vehicle may be towed at owner’s expense.
- In the event that your assigned parking lot is full, please contact the Park Cedar Rapids office to determine alternative parking.
- Parking is allowed only within the lines of stalls. Compact stalls are for compact cars only. Citations will be issued for improper parking; a $25.00 fine.
- Overnight parking is not allowed unless prior arrangement have been made with Park Cedar Rapids. Vehicles parking over 48 hours will be ticketed and/or towed.
- Unauthorized vehicle servicing and/or mechanical repairs are not permitted in the parking facility.
Ramps & Lots
- All ramps and lots are enforced 24/7 and are first come, first served. Do not park in a reserved stall unless it is assigned to you.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How do I pay for monthly parking?
Automatic payments may be set up in the ParkLync Monthly parker system through direct ACH or on a credit/debit card. Alternatively, payments can be made in person with Check, cash, and credit/debit cards.
Q: What do I do if someone parks in my reserved space?
Please park in another non-reserved stall and immediately notify the parking office. We will issue a citation to the offender.
Q: How do I cancel my monthly parking?
Cancellation forms can be downloaded on our Forms page, or they can be requested via email to address. Completed forms should be emailed to or dropped off in person at 349 4th Ave parking office.
Q: Can I allow someone else to use my permit?
For your protection, permits are not allowed to be shared between customers. Permits are issued to individuals and are connected to the individual parker’s license plate.
Q: Is online payment safe?
Your security is our biggest concern! Your private information is safe and secure with our online payment system. We use the most advanced technology to keep your information private and secure.
Q: Is there a night drop for citation payments?
We have drop boxes located at the 3rd Ave. SE exit of 3rd Ave. Parkade and in front of the 4th Ave. Parkade elevator lobby on the 4th Ave. SE side.
Q: What can I do to dispute my parking citation?
You can fill out our online appeals form and submit it for consideration. The appeal must be submitted within 30 days of receiving the citation. Monthly parkers are allowed 1 dismissal per 12-month period and the citation must have been issued while the parker was in good standing and parked in the appropriate location.

Monthly Parking Portal
Cancel Monthly Parking
Additional Parking Programs
Parking Space Hooding
Secure a short-term reservation of on-street downtown parking space for special events, contractors, or other work in the vicinity. When reserved or “hooded,” individual spaces will be clearly marked with red meter hoods indicating “No Parking” or “Reserved Parking.” Hooded meters are enforced 24/7.
Want a Parking Space Hood?
Complete and turn in the Meter Hooding Agreement form to our office. For questions on pricing, please call 319-365-7275.
Parking Space Placards
Certain events require specific “no parking” regulations are enforced. Specific time requirement placards will be posted in areas affected by the upcoming event a minimum of 12 hours in advance of the event. The time requirement must be observed . Failure to observe posted signs can resolute in towing at the owners expense.
24/7 Amenity Program
Our top priority is a welcoming, safe environment for our parking patrons. Regularly scheduled patrol of public ramps and lots are only small pieces to a strategic, proactive safety approach for our parking community.
The Parking Amenity Program is designed to accommodate parking patrons should an unexpected (and often inconvenient) situation occur.
A hotline is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at (319) 365-7275, offering instant access to the following services:
Basic Services (No Charge)
- Jump start
- Tire Fill
- Security Assistance
Professional Services (Charges May Apply)
- Lockout
- Tire Change
- Towing
Parking Incentive Programs
Thinking about moving your business or your home downtown? Park Cedar Rapids offers several monthly parking programs that make parking easy and affordable. Discover more information about discounts available and see if you qualify for one of our parking incentive programs.
New Jobs
Eligibility Requirements
Companies must bring a minimum of 10 jobs new to downtown; these jobs new to downtown must be initiated at the same time versus over a period of time.
How it Works
- Lease: Parking rates for the qualified new jobs will be reduced by 50% for half the term of the initial commercial lease for up to a maximum of 7.5 years for a 15-year lease for those companies leasing commercial space.
- Own: Parking rates for the qualified new jobs will be reduced by 50% for up to 7.5 years if the company adding new jobs to downtown owns the downtown property at which the business adding jobs is located.
Park & Live
Eligibility Requirements
- Individual(s) must lease, purchase, or own a qualified unit within the defined downtown for one (1) year or more.
- Lessee or Owner must present documentation or evidence annually that they have a current lease or currently own & occupy the residence in the qualified areas of Downtown Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
How it Works
Park Cedar Rapids would provide a 25% discount off monthly market parking rates in the following facilities:
- Five Seasons Ramp
- Convention Center Ramp
- Southside Ramp
- Ground Transportation Center Ramp
- 3rd Ave Parking Ramp
- 4th Ave Parking Ramp
- Lot 44
Park & Work
Eligibility Requirements
- Employees must work for a company located within the boundaries of the downtown parking system.
- Employees must net less than $25,000 in compensation annually.
- Company must demonstrate a commitment to remaining downtown for at least three years.
- Employees must work for a company that employs at least five employees.
How it Works
- 25% discount off of current market rates.
- Only available in certain locations: Five Seasons Ramp, Convention Center Ramp, 3rd Avenue Ramp, 4th Avenue Ramp, GTC Ramp, and South Side Ramp.
- 50% discount available for Lot 44.
Park & Learn
Eligibility Requirements
- Must be enrolled in downtown educational programs.
- Must present a valid student identification.
- Must present a current class schedule at the beginning of every academic semester, trimester, or quarter.
How it Works
- $20 off market rates.
- Only available in certain locations: Five Seasons Parking Ramp, Convention Center Ramp, 3rd Avenue Ramp, 4th Avenue Ramp, GTC Ramp, South Side Ramp, and Lot 44.
- Cannot be combined in conjunction with other programs.
Large Employer
Eligibility Requirements
Must purchase 300 or more parking spaces in the system.
How it Works
- $10 per month per space discount off of market rates.
- Annual payment must be made in advance for a minimum of 300 parking spaces and payments are not refundable.
- Only available in certain locations: Five Seasons Parking Ramp, Convention Center Ramp, 3rd Avenue Ramp, 4th Avenue Ramp, GTC Ramp, South Side Ramp, Lot 44, Lots 9,10, and Lot 12.
Parking Cash-Out
Eligibility Requirements
Employer provided incentive.
How it Works
Not a Park Cedar Rapids program, but an additional option that a company can choose to offer employees.
For example, employees are provided a $50/month parking subsidy by their employer, which is added to their overall compensation package. Should an employee elect to park in Lot 44 ($25), he/she will retain the $25 difference. This program allows employees to park anywhere system-wide based on their individual needs and preferences while giving them the freedom to choose a more active method of transportation that supports their wellness goals. It is an easy way for employers to aid employees in making healthier choices.
Parking Safety & Security
From Park Cedar Rapids security staff to our partnership with the Cedar Rapids Police Department, we’re committed to your safety.
Safety & Security
Downtown Cedar Rapids is a business park, cultural center, and hub of local restaurants and nightlife. We know that you have a choice when you are looking to open a business, have lunch with a friend, or plan your next event, so we’ve made safety a top priority.
Recent Safety & Security Upgrades
- Contracted with the Cedar Rapids Police Department to provide regular skywalk and parking ramp patrols
- Park Cedar Rapids security personnel are patrolling the facilities 24/7 and are always on call at (319) 365-7275
- Installed brighter (and more energy efficient!) LED lights in ALL ramps
If you have any thoughts or suggestions about how we can improve customer safety, please contact us.